
Category : BLOG..

Licking my wounds under the Mediterranean sun

With the feet tucked below a hot curtain of sand, and the head protected under a shallow shade – cast by the nearby rocks, I’m waiting for Andra to come out of the water. … The Olympos village (Turkey) is not exactly what we expected, but it’s still a good place to relax – especially […]

In a Turkish hospital..

“It’s not a matter of IF, it’s a matter of WHEN!” I’ve heard this saying a lot, when documenting about Middle East and stomach problems or food intoxication. I didn’t expect it to hit me so hard.. and in Turkey. I would have bet on any of the other countries, especially Egypt. Long story short, […]

Catching up..

We’re a bit behind with the stories, mostly because we didn’t have constant access to the internet for the past week, and also because there was a fast turn of events. The crossing of Jordan was partially covered in a previous post. So, I’ll just add a few details and then move forward as fast […]


The day we saw Petra will stay with me for the rest of my life, just like other memories from the Middle East: first time in a mosque, at the pyramids, in Karnak temple, in a hot-air balloon over Luxor.. However, this experience was different than all the other ones. So, I’ll do my best […]


  Jordan came not a moment too soon after the hectic Egypt, and it was a most welcomed change for us. While still in Egypt, when waiting in line for the ferry tickets (from Nuweiba to Aquaba), we met a nice couple from US. Since we discovered that we all have exactly the same route […]


Dahab marked our last stay in Egypt and it was a great place to relax before leaving this country. We enjoyed traveling to Dahab with some of the people we’ve met in Luxor, although the 16 hours bus drive wasn’t the most pleasant one we’ve had so far.. One special thing that we did in […]

Karnak Temple & light show..

Spread on two square kilometers, the Karnak temple is truly impressive, and after seeing it, the neighboring Luxor temple seemed lilliputian in comparison. For the first time we hired a guide ourselves, just for the two of us, and it was well worth the 35 pounds paid (vs. the 80 pounds, initially asked by the […]

In the air..

Wake-up call at 4:30 am; this was the hardest part. After that, everything went smooth: car from the hotel to a boat, we signed the papers for acknowledging the dangers involved in flying with such a contraption (no responsibilities for the company – after having our signatures), then crossed the Nile, went again in small […]

Valley of the Kings

This trip outside Luxor was 210 Egyptian pounds each ~ approximately 35 euros, and it included a guide, a driver and a small bus – with good air-conditioning – essential against the 35-40 degrees felt in the desert. In this particular case, the heat was not the only issue to take into account, but also […]

Luxor city.

Upon arrival in Luxor’s train station, we were preparing for the worst possible experience with the touts. Luxor is famous for the many touts that constantly wait in the station for some fresh tourist meat, just to throw on you their products; “cousin’s hotels – with cheap prices”; misdirections – so that you end up […]

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