
Monthly Archives: July 2010

The time has come..

To launch the website we’ve been working on for quite some time: It was a long but rewarding work – and we have learned a lot of interesting things along the way. It is our very first step towards online entrepreneurship, so we’ll be very grateful for any kind of support people will offer […]

Elements of change.. learned from photography.

When you’re not happy with the results, just change the angle. In photography it can make the difference between a failed shot and a great one. In life, a different perspective often brings new understanding, opportunities and possibly better results in any kind of situation.   When you like the angle a lot and spend […]

Losing weight and learning usefull things (9kg – 1 month)

I’ve lost 9kg in one month and learned a few useful things in the process. I’ll share these with you since some of them can be applied in a wider range of situations, not just for tailoring your shape: The first and foremost important one is the mindset: don’t just “try”, DO it.You must really […]

The one month trip – in a nutshell (Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Turkey)

Budget, time-frame, likes, dislikes – it’s all here. In case you didn’t have the patience to read all previous post from our recent trip, then you’ll find below a short sum-up, plus some additional information. Budget: 1500 euro – each.That was the maximum amount we were comfortable spending, but we had an emergency surplus of […]

To be continued..

Almost a month has passed since we’ve left our country and I’m writing what’s supposed to be the last entry while still on the road. And – as in many previous cases – I’m doing this in a bus. The flow of ideas sometimes stops and I resort to my “muse”: long breaks watching the […]

Safe haven in Istanbul.

After so long relying only on hotels, we’re once again couchsurfing and we’re being hosted – for the second time – by our friends: Ercan and Ebru.  We continue to explore Istanbul for one day and half, the city with which we started this journey, almost a month ago. It’s really interesting to see so […]

Cappadocia – part II (meeting locals, trying pottery kebab and making pottery).

Beside just hiking, we also experienced some other interesting things while in Goreme village:   First, the day I started feeling sick, we searched for a place to eat a good soup, hoping it will help my condition. We ended up in a cozy restaurant being run by a family. Although there was a huge […]

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