
Monthly Archives: December 2009

Photos and news.

The Christmas days were spent at home with the family, and it was almost an uneventful period. However, it wasn’t entirely unproductive, as a couple of situations proved that carrying the camera with me was a very good idea: And the news part: we’ll be spending the passing between years, in the mountain area near […]

Change of plans.

Unfortunately, our initial plans had to change due to the heavy snowing and road condition. So, skiing was postponed, for now. Instead, we had Andu and Ioana at our place for some mulled wine, and had some fun experimenting with painting clay objects. Afterward, we decided to go out and capture the city’s new look […]

CouchSurfing – Pavel & Marjorie (and more news).

It’s been a while since we posted here, not because we were lazy, but because we were a bit busy these days. Since the last entry, several things happened: *We’ve hosted a very nice couple from France: Pavel and Marjorie. It was their first experience as surfers and we were glad to be their first […]

Creativity and photo session.

Here are some pictures with the latest hand made objects. For everything you’ll see below, the proportion goes like this: 5% mine, 95% Andra’s :). Painted globes and comparison with raw ones: Paper star: Various objects made from clay: Well, this was a partial view over Andra’s workmanship. Curious about my clay creations? 🙂 Here […]

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