
Category : BLOG..

What’s in the backpack?

The road to simplicity in 6 easy steps, along with some thoughts on applying minimalism when choosing the backpack’s content. Having a pleasant time on the road requires a certain degree of moderation when packing stuff to carry around with you, especially for long term travels. There’s a catchy advice circling out there and it […]

Canoeing, trekking and sleeping in the jungle

Where: Nepal – Suraha ( Time: canoeing & trekking: 7:00 am – 10:00 am; sleeping in the jungle: 18:00 PM – 6:30 AM. Price: 2000Rs (~ 30$) per person, including the park’s entry permit. When the alarm rang at 05:55 AM we thought that waking up so early was probably the hardest thing we’ll do today. […]

From India to Nepal: a strike, a monsoon and surreal landscape

Leaving India proved a bit more difficult than we anticipated. Not so much in terms of complications and annoyances, but the length of the trip and the number of connections were definitely higher than our initial estimation. Overall, it took us around 40 hours to reach the first destination in Nepal: Sauraha. The beginning of […]

India – a spicy destination

Exchange rate: 1$~44Rs; 1e~70Rs (at the time of writing; check this page for the current status) Minimum daily allowance: 800Rs:  a double room ~ 200-400Rs; food ~ 200-300Rs; water ~ 100Rs (price per five 1L bottles which you’ll drink easily in a hot day); entrance fees to touristic attraction vary wildly from 100Rs up to […]


The plan is old.. at least 5 years old: quit our jobs and travel the world for a while. Each year we postponed it because of other responsibilities and priorities. It took us a while to realize that dreams should never come second and that this was actually our biggest priority. The fear factor kept us blind for a […]

Elements of change.. learned from photography.

When you’re not happy with the results, just change the angle. In photography it can make the difference between a failed shot and a great one. In life, a different perspective often brings new understanding, opportunities and possibly better results in any kind of situation.   When you like the angle a lot and spend […]

To be continued..

Almost a month has passed since we’ve left our country and I’m writing what’s supposed to be the last entry while still on the road. And – as in many previous cases – I’m doing this in a bus. The flow of ideas sometimes stops and I resort to my “muse”: long breaks watching the […]

Safe haven in Istanbul.

After so long relying only on hotels, we’re once again couchsurfing and we’re being hosted – for the second time – by our friends: Ercan and Ebru.  We continue to explore Istanbul for one day and half, the city with which we started this journey, almost a month ago. It’s really interesting to see so […]

Cappadocia – part II (meeting locals, trying pottery kebab and making pottery).

Beside just hiking, we also experienced some other interesting things while in Goreme village:   First, the day I started feeling sick, we searched for a place to eat a good soup, hoping it will help my condition. We ended up in a cozy restaurant being run by a family. Although there was a huge […]

Off the beaten track in Cappadocia.

It’s a shame we had to postpone writing about the wonderful Cappadocia, but it’s not too late to do it now. The memories are still fresh, we have plenty of amazing pictures and there’s a perfect setting for recollecting and writing: we’re both laying on a couch from the hotel’s exterior bar, inhaling mixed scents […]

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