
Couchsurfing – our very first guest.

The last two days were pretty full for us, as we hosted for the first time a couch surfer (Joel, who is traveling the world right now). 

Because the couch was occupied by my mother, whom is visiting us, we accommodated Joel in my room from the university campus. And every evening, after finishing the work schedule, me and Joel took a motorcycle ride to our apartment, for a warm meal and hours of talking :).
After more than one year on the road, Joel had quite a few useful advices and funny stories.

Here are two pictures with him:
– first one taken while he was busy shooting some enemies in the Crysis game.
– second one in the kitchen while we were making fun of the pink slippers – the only available pair we had for him (I actually wore them one evening as well – and gave him mine, just to be fair with the guy 🙂 ).

6 Responses

  1. Raine says:

    Congratulations! And he's also soooo experienced! Congrats!
    and those slippers are cute, aren't they. lol

  2. Razvan and Andra says:

    Thank you very much!
    We already have another request for December, so we're catching up 🙂

  3. Joel P. says:

    There goes my career in politics… actually maybe I can get a few votes out of this. Is there a "pink-slipper" electorate somewhere?

  4. Razvan and Andra says:

    You've got our votes for sure ;).

  5. Imperator says:

    Conceptul de couch surfing mi se pare super fain 🙂 Am fost odata la o intalnire a couch surferilor in Bucuresti… cum impacati ideea de a gazdui si faptul ca aveti joburi destul de busy ?
    Btw, in caz ca vreti tips & tricks pentru India sau orice alt loc, intrebati-ma 🙂
    Si inca ceva… cum bagati harta de la Google in site ?

  6. Razvan and Andra says:


    In profilul de pe Couchsurfing, poti sa mentionezi cand este cel mai bine pentru tine sa primesti couchsurferi. Noi am punctat faptul ca week-end-ul este preferat, dar primim si in timpul saptamanii (de ex asteptam doi australieni maine seara). Cat timp lucram, ei se plimba prin oras, si apoi ne intalnim cand terminam noi programul.

    Multumim pentru oferta cu India, planuim sa o vizitam anul viitor. Oricum, gazduind couch-surferi ai parte de o groaza de povesti si sfaturi despre locurile vizitate.

    Pentru harta ai nevoie de cont Google; mergi la google maps, My Maps, creezi o harta personala pe care o customizezi, click pe LINK in coltul dreapta sus, apoi "Customize and preview embedded map" si copiezi codul generat.
    In blog inserezi un Gadget HTML/JavaScript, Edit si dai paste la codul copiat anterior.

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